(And her left knee is bent!)
Well, it's almost completely over! Friday morning, Peyton went back to Children's and had her leg cast and arm sling removed. And her blood work came back great, so she got to have her IV taken out as well. What an unexpected blessing! The Kaminshine clan stayed with my parents this weekend, and Peyton obviously had a lot of fun! I am sure it felt great to for her to use both legs and both arms! It has been about a month since she has walked or worn shoes, and Mom said that when they put shoes on her again, she kept pointing at her feet. I am sure she was thinking, "Why are they making me wear these again??" Also, she got her first bath in two weeks. Basically, things are back to normal. I just keep thinking how wonderful "normal" really is! Peyton is on oral antibiotics for a little while longer, and she is limping when she walks. But I imagine that I would too had I been through so much! I love this little girl with all of my heart. I feel like I have been holding my breath for several weeks now. Thank God that He wanted her to be healed! As Peyton would say... "All done!"
I'm glad that Peyton is feeling better! I just have one question: Does Uncle Greg "look for his brain" a lot?