Saturday, September 26, 2009

a message to Uncle Greg

I came down to Benton last night for some family birthday celebrations. Greg didn't get to come though because he took the Bar (for practice) this morning. So my sweet niece left him this message...

Sweetest thing ever... I know.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Birthday Wishes

Just want everyone to know that today is my mom's birthday. She was born on this day September 22, 1979... ahem. :) This month was also my sister, brother-in-law, sister-in-law, and grandmother's birthday month as well. I love you all very much and hope you have a wonderful year. God could not have blessed me with a better family!

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

30 Days of Missions

At the church where I grew up, Northside Church of Christ, their Mission Sunday is quickly approaching. One of the ministers, Mike (who married Greg and me) has a blog that I often read. This month his theme is "30 Days of Missions." Everyday he has a member of the congregation write about their thoughts on mission work.

You can read my devotional and others HERE.

I have been on a few mission trips in my life, but my trip to Africa in 2006 takes the cake! And one of the best parts was sharing it with my mother. Here are some of my favorites pics from an awesome trip.

And we think our SUV's are large...

to make you smile :)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

totally worth it

So, I found a GREAT deal on this mahogany desk at the Habitat for Humanity store in Benton three months ago.

I heart the Humanity store.

The desk was originally priced at $200 (already a steal), but after a little heckling, I only paid $30 for it! Ok, so they wouldn't come down past $50, so my mom threw in the other $20. Thanks Mom!

Yes, I honestly did think,
"Hmmmm... I bet I can strip, sand, and restain this desk in about a week or two."

Well... It ended up taking ALL SUMMER LONG!!!

But I looooove it!


I put a bow on it and had it in the driveway when Greg got home from work.

Sorry there are no pics of stripping the old varnish off. Although rest assured, Greg many many-a-jokes about me "stripping" that week.

Just look at the color contrast on the top of that desk... beautiful already!

Didn't want to mess up my new pedicure!

The staining process. Warm Chestnut it is.

Yes, I have painted a thing or two in those shorts. They've seen better days. But hey, my mom still paints in her old maternity clothes (and I'm the youngest child... you do the math).

Some detail work.

A few coats of poly and the AFTER photo.

Fit for a lawyer (or a blogger)!

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Happy Birthday, Pop!

Saturday was my wonderful dad's 60th birthday! He came up to Fayetteville with my mom and Grandmother for some b-day celebrations with the fam. Unfortunately, my sister and niece were sick so they didn't get to come. But the five of us had a good time anyway!

(Here's a pic I stole from my sister to show you how big my niece is getting!!!!!)
She's like a little girl now... I know.

We decided to start the festivities with some competitive bowling.

"Birthday Boy Dad"

"Twinkle Toes Greg"

"Can't-Bowl-Anything-Other-Than-A-Straight-Ball Janice"

Final Scores...
Janice 121
Dad 140
Greg 143
And the winner is...

"Game-Face Grandmother" with 144! She's still got it!
(I think the guy on the lane next to us was laughing that the grandmother beat everyone else.)

Dad's cake was from Rick's Bakery and turned out really cute! I couldn't decide what I wanted to have put on it until I saw this picture...

Haha, since Dad is a pro scuba-diver (ok not really, but he's good) I thought it was fitting. And it made me laugh out loud.

Me, Mom, and Dad (and Adrienne in spirit)

Me, Dad and Grandmother

and the whole gang.


I can't tell you how blessed I am to have you as a father. I hope you had a great weekend!

And now I will leave you with Greg's "opera" rendition of the Happy Birthday Song that he didn't know I was filming (and everyone else did)!


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